U3A stands for University of the Third Age. It began in France in the 1970s initially to cater for retired academic folk who wanted to keep their minds active. Later the idea spread to England and, eventually, it came to Australia where it has been thoroughly democratized and everyone can join in. The concept of U3A was brought to Seymour by Anne Thompson (foundation President) and with the co-operation of three others, Wid Bradley, Wendy Madex and Lesley Daziel floated the proposal in the public arena, resulting in the establishment of Seymour and District U3A Inc in 2005. U3A is a self help movement where the organization and activities are run by the members themselves. Costs are kept low with course leaders coming from within the group or providing their time on a voluntary basis. U3A is about sharing skills and interests for mutual benefit of all members. It is about keeping minds active and in touch with others especially in the retirement years. It is about having a good time with others while learning.
Learning should not stop as we get older. The U3A provides social and intellectual stimulation for retired people aged 50 years and over. Classes are designed to be enjoyable as well as educational. The U3A gives you the opportunity to learn something that you have always intended to learn but have not had the time to pursue. On the other hand you may have knowledge and/or skills you would like to pass on to others, so you might wish to volunteer as a Tutor. New courses are always welcome.
No qualifications are required to join and enrol in classes other than to be retired or semi-retired. There are no examinations and no certificates.
That friendly smile, the offer of a chair beside yours, has really made both new and old members feel at home and we’ve proved over the years, we’re like that to each other. The key value in our relationship with each other, our Council, our tutors and the community is RESPECT. But if an issue should arise between people at a U3A S&D course or function, and it can’t be sorted out with the person concerned, please ask for support from your course contact or a U3A S&D Committee member as soon as possible.
Do not let any concern about transport deter you from enrolling in any course. Talk to the tutor or contact person to see what can be arranged in the way of car-pooling, lifts, etc. Some courses have excursions where members car pool or a bus is hired for the occasion.
As a courtesy, if you are unable to attend a class please tell the tutor or contact person. Or ask a fellow course member to pass on the information. Of course there are times when this is impossible and that is quite understood.
If you hear of any member being sick or some special circumstance where a card from the U3A S&D would help, would you let a member of the Committee know.
Given the ease with which we can forget each other’s names, everyone is encouraged to wear their U3A S&D name tags. Not only does it save “Remind me of your name, please”, but it also helps tutors get to know course participants quickly. Don’t forget to put your medical and contact details on the back of your nametag. If you lose your nametag, contact us and we will organise to replace it (see "contact us" at top of this page).
If either of these changes has occurred please contact us as soon as possible so that you don’t miss out on important information (see "contact us" at top of this page).
When you enrol in a course you’re asked to judge your ability to either use the venue or participate in the course activities. The safety and well-being of all our members is paramount. If there is an emergency, having your medical and contact details on your name tag will be very important. If you become aware of any risks at our venues, please let the course contact, or a council member, know. There is the public liability cover at each venue but no insurance cover if you are participating in any outdoor activity, unless you are a voluntary tutor/facilitator.
If your group is going to do something special or has taken a great photo of your activity, let us know via the "contact us" button on the Contacts page of this web
The Committee is elected annually (at the AGM) and meets monthly. If you have any matters you wish to raise you can discuss these at the office on Monday mornings between 10 AM and 12, or send an email by clicking "contact us", on the Contacts page of this web..
This is the place to catch up on “What’s new at U3A.” There will be a short notice session at the Melting Pot talk each month. You are also encouraged to bring along any fruits of the earth from your garden for a “Bring and Buy” table to raise a some funds for our U3A S&D.
"The Noticeboard” is emailed to all members who register their email addresses with U3A (seymu3a@gmail.com) ; it is posted to all other members . This will keep you up to date with up and coming events, information from the Council, members’ activities and any course date changes. The web site will also make the latest issue of "The Noticeboard" readily available and keep a few past issues for the record (click on "Newsletter" for these).
The Rules and Constitution of U3A Seymour and District Inc., can be downloaded by clicking here